As a Body of Christ, we are a Spirit-filled community who is united by love.

First, our worship is alive.
Our worship overflows with the glory of God, conviction of grace,
our confessions of devotion, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Second, we listen to the life-giving Word of God.
Our community experiences transformation in our lives through obedience to the Word.

Third, we connect with the Lord through prayer.
We experience victory in life through concerted efforts to pray daily.

Fourth, we are evangelists who share the Good News.
The Holy Spirit enables us to be witnesses of the Gospel.

We invite you to experience the scene of worship, Word, prayer and evangelism!





Our Vision


New Hope exists to reach the ends of the earth with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
However, we don’t want to just share the Good News, but share, with our lives, how we can live as authentic followers of Jesus Christ.

We value Worship

We Value Worship

Worship should be an authentic expression of love to the one who created us. God created us for His glory. (Isaiah 43:7)


We Value Prayer

We are a praying church; prayer is like a life-giving breath. We believe prayer changes things, but more importantly, it changes us to be more like Jesus.

Word of God

We Value the Word of God

The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and it has the ultimate authority.
We believe in the complete, no compromise obedience to the Word of God.

The Great Comission

We Value

the Great Commission

We shine the light of Jesus wherever we go. We strive to live as witnesses and ambassadors of Christ in families, schools, workplaces, and all areas that God has sent us to, boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ in EVERYDAY lives.